An Italian Mid-Century blown art glass "Penguin" sculpture by, Livio Seguso for Seguso Arte Vetro Murano/Oggetti with clear blown body with applied red and black striping throughout applied red eyes and elongated beak. The penguin is signed, "Seguso Ogggetti" circa 1970s'.
Born in 1930 in Murano, where he still lives and works today, Seguso very soon began his relationship with glass, fascinated by the inexhaustible charm of this wonderful material. In 1972 he took part in the 36th Venice Biennale, but his artistic maturity reached its peak towards the end of the decade, with the abandonment of every legacy of the Murano tradition to give space only to the pure, iridescent and ambiguous crystal in its transparency. His works can thus manifest themselves in forms of absolute purity, becoming "images of light" that seem to adapt to thought, and then disappear into a series of dreamlike forms.
Later his research goes beyond the material used and extends to others, such as steel, stone, marble and granite, and finally wood. One hundred and fifty exhibitions in Italy and in the world between personal and collective so far, including the 42nd Venice Art Biennale in 1986 and in 1995 Arte Laguna, with the patronage of the Venice Biennale. Among the most important ones is the one at Ca 'Pesaro - International Gallery of Modern Art in 1980, at the Palazzo Ducale in Mantua in 1981, at the Castello Sforzesco in Milan in 1982, at the National Gallery in Prague in 1984, at the Casa dei Carraresi, Treviso in 2007, at the National Museum of History, Taipei, Taiwan in 2008, up to the big 2014 exhibition at the Ukai Museum in Hakone, Tokyo, where he presented unpublished sculptures, paintings and drawings. In 2015 Livio Seguso received the "Glass in Venice" career award, awarded by the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia and the Veneto Institute of Sciences, Letters and Arts.